Holy Cross
Ukrainian Catholic Church

Lenten Pastoral 2025
Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM — Pastor
o. Маріо Дацишин , ЧСВВ — Парох
Fr. Cyril Iszezuck, OSBM — Associate
o. Кирило Іщук, ЧСВВ — Сотрудник
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 11:00ам to 1:00pm
Години роботи секретарки: від Понеділка по П'ятниці, від 11-ої ран до 1-ої по пол.
Confessions: before the Divine Liturgy or by appointment
Сповідь: перед відправою або за домовленістю
Baptisms: by appointment with the pastor
Хрищення: за домовленням з парохом
Weddings: arrangements made with the pastor 6 months in advance
Вінчання: необхідно звернутися до Пароха за 6 місяців
перед вінчання
Visiting the Sick: please notify the office about loved ones in the hospital/nursing home
Відвідини хворих: просимо повідомити нас про недужих нашої парафії
Funerals: please contact the pastor before making arrangements with the funeral home
Похорон: просимо зв’язатися з парохом перш ніж домовлятися із похоронним заведенням
Divine Liturgies | Служби Божі
10:00 AM (Ukrainian)
9:00 AM (Ukrainian) and 5:00 PM (English)
7:30 AM (Ukrainian)
Holy Days~Свята
9:00 AM (Ukrainian)
6:00 PM (on Days of Obligation)
Daily before the Divine Liturgy~Щоденно перед Божественною Літургією
Recitation of the Rosary: 9:30 am Sundays before the Divine Liturgy
The prayer group "Mothers in Prayer" invites all who can, to join them in prayer at our church every last Saturday of the month at 6:00 PM
Weekly Eternal Lamp Offerings: $7
Regular Church candles: $2 For weekly: $5
We have 4 Lamps available.
Great Lent 2025 is March 3rd through Easter April 20th
Sorokousty: Each Saturday starting March 3rd through April 12th after the 9:00AM Divine Liturgy
Stations of the Cross: Every Friday at 6:00PM
Our Parishioners
Divine Liturgies 2025
You can now request Divine Liturgies for 2025
Paska from St. Josaphat's Monestary
To order please call Mary Sydor at 516-334-8385 or
Email: maryt334334@aol.com.
Annual Parish Dues – We thank each parishioner and family for their contribution of the annual parish dues.
Couples/Family: $35.00; Single: $25.00; Senior Citizens:$15.00
Ukrainian Dance Classes for Children
We are planning on having children's Ukrainian folk dancing classes.
Please contact the office (718-932-4060) for further information.
Church Cleaning
Every Saturday after 10AM we are cleaning our church. Volunteers welcome!
Mnohaya Lita and Happy March Birthdays to:
Melanie, Lev hryniuk, Katarzyna Swituszak, Nicholas Dmytryszyn, Tetyana Khymych, Marco Shmerykowsky, John Kuzemka, Nataliya Vynnychuk, Oleksandr Konvalyuk, Nataliya Konvalyuk, Marilyn Kostiuk, Maryann DiLuzio, Sophia Jawdoszyn, Yuriy Sholubka