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Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM — Pastor 
o. Маріо Да
цишин , ЧСВВ — Парох

Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM — Associate 
o. Володимир, Рибіцькі, ЧСВВ — Сотрудник

Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs: 12:00 to 4:00 PM

Години роботи секретарки: Пон, Вів, Чет, 12:00 до 4:00 по пол.

Confessions: before the Divine Liturgy or by appointment

Сповідь: перед відправою або за домовленістю


Baptisms: by appointment with the pastor

Хрищення: за домовленням з парохом

Weddings: arrangements made with the pastor 6 months in advance

Вінчання: необхідно звернутися до Пароха за 6 місяців

перед вінчання

Visiting the Sick: please notify the office about loved ones in the hospital/nursing home

Відвідини хворих: просимо повідомити нас про недужих нашої парафії

Funerals: please contact the pastor before making arrangements with the funeral home

Похорон: просимо зв’язатися з парохом перш ніж домовлятися із похоронним заведенням

Divine Liturgies  | Служби Божі


10:00 AM (Ukrainian)  

9:00 AM (Ukrainian) and 5:00 PM (English)

7:30 AM (Ukrainian)

Holy Days~Свята

9:00 AM (Ukrainian)
6:00 PM (on Days of Obligation)


Daily before the Divine Liturgy~Щоденно перед Божественною Літургією


Recitation of the Rosary: 9:30 am Sundays before the Divine Liturgy

The prayer group "Mothers in Prayer" invites all who can, to join them in prayer at our church every last Saturday of the month at 6:00 PM

Weekly Eternal Lamp Offerings: $7
Regular Church candles: $2 For weekly: $5

We have 4 Lamps available.

Our Parishioners

Parish Praznyk

On September 15th we will celebrate our Parish Praznyk. There will be no festival, but we will have a luncheon after liturgy. We sent out two lottery books to all parishioners. If you have not recieved them, please take from the Church. Thank you!

Catechization of Children

We ask our parishioners with children in second grade who would like to participate in Holy Communion to contact the rectory so we can begin classes in October.

Stamford Bishop's Appeal

The Annual appeal letters and forms have been sent in the mail. Our goal for this year is $7,000. We ask every household to contribute at least $70. Please mail your contribution or place it in the collection basket as soon as possible. Thank you for your generosity in advance.
Our remaining balance is: $3,030

To place a Holy Mass for your loved one’s please use a card’s that are in the vestibule, simply fill them up and bring it to the office or place it in the collection basket. Thank you for making our work easier.

Previous Week's Mass Collection

Church Collection: $983 Ukraine Collection: $380

If you would like to light a weekly candle for Ukraine, two are available.

Church Cleaning

Every Saturday after 10AM we are cleaning our church. Volunteers welcome!

Mnohaya Lita and Happy July Birthdays to:

Ivan Baran, Myron Buryk, Nadia Dlaboha, Donato DiLuzio, Staphanie Hanchuk, Oksana Galyuk, Roman Gelevan, Lidiya Gelevan, Wolodymyr Jawdoszyn, Petro Popivnyak, Maria Stefanowski, Anna Wojtowicz


Office hours:

Mon, Tues, Thurs – 12:00 to 4:00pm

Церковна Канцелярія працює: Понеділок, Вівторок, Четвер

від 12-ої до 4-ої по пол.


31-12 30th Street

Astoria, NY 11106

Office phone: 718-932-4060


© Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church 

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